what is life? life depends on many chemical and physical processes. The human life build up with the molecules of DNA. But within the computers technology developing, the human natural life become artificial life, which the machines are used and

our resent and future!

what is Cyborgs? it is define" Robots, computers, and humans (some, at least) merge into cyborgs" In late 1950s, the world's first cuborg was a white lab rat that was part animal and pat machine. Now the cyborg is creatived tend to as a human, and they are cteatived to copy what human do! In one side, the artifical life give people's life more and more convenient and machine also hlpe people doing lots of work. but when one day, the robots and cyborgs can substitite human and they can do anyting the human doing; then does the world still need us?
"Technology is not neutural. we're inside of what we make, and it's inside of us. We're living in a world of connections-and it matters which ones get made and unmade" (Kunzru)