Thursday, 29 November 2007

Generative, Robotic and Participative Art

last week, the lecture told about the new art practices using digital and computer technology such as robotic art, telepresence, generative art etc.
first, what is Generative Art? Generative art has been defined by noting that:“Generative art refers to art that has been generated, composed, or constructed in an algorithmic manner through the use of systems defined by computer software algorithms, or similar mathematical or mechanical or randomised autonomous processes”The Generative art coveres by visual, audio, animation, textual, performance pieces etc. for example, the video shows the Generative Practice in Visual Art, which is a short movie of fractal that "A fractal zoom on a mandelbrot set, finishing on a dendrite area". And, These techniques are now available and are used by animators and website designers, which has been called computer art!

Another new art practicy is Robotic Art, which defined :"One of the most problematic issues of robotics in art is the very definition of what a robot is" (Kac 2001 pg. 76)Robotic installation art unifies Installation art and robotic technologies insofar as the works and installations often employ computers, sensors, actuators and programming which allow them to respond or evolve in relation to viewer interactions. Such as the picture shows: Robotic art.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Online Holiday Shopping Boom

online shopping becomre more and more propular, especially before the holiday time.

The Commercialization of the Network

The internet become more and more improtant to connect with the the globalisation of the world economy and the emergence of Castells' Network Society. As the Web matured during the late 1990s, the dreams of a digital awakening went unfulfilled. The Net turned out to be more about commerce than consciousness, more a mall than a commune.People and companies are doing businese in the present age. The last ten years have seen the rise of corporate websites, e-commerce, e-tailing, pop-up adverts, the rise of google adsense and many, many other online commercial practices; for expamle, most change in people's life is the rise of online shopping, more and more people prefer shop online that go shopping from the stores. as the news shows, within the christmas coming, more that 50% people in US buy their gifts from internet. the online retialers gain a big profit through commercialization of the Network. online shopping offer lots of benifit that people wonn't find shopping form a store or by mail; internet always opent- 24 hours a day. with a click the mouse, people can buy air ticket, book a hotel, sent flower or gift for frient, or puechers the faviort fashions, which people enjoy the advantage that the netwrok commercialization phonmemnon.

The importance of Intellectual Property Law to the new knowledge economy
the news video about interllectual property of MP3 music.

anoter BBc news

IPRs play an important part in classical economists' vision of the knowledge-based economy. They see the legal right to protect an original invention or the recognition of an author's copyright.The intellectual property rights was built to the cost of goods in the form of a royalty payment. Downloading from the net and the sheer global scale of the economy has made effective enforcement problematic, such aas mp3 music,movies or video.

Monday, 26 November 2007

A Vision of Students Today

The idea is that everything around us. from 19 century, computer become part of life into us! not more writing or reading frome papers or books. letter become e-mail;words becom typewrite; people get infromation from internet; people communicate with their friends and exchange information using facebook or MSN. Bolg, wikispace, facebook, MSN, online watching or shopping. Also in the school,the traditional teaching and studing method become electronic. everything around us become into a computer!

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Microsoft iPhone - parody of iPhone ad Calamari

web 2.0

whatis web 2.0?

The phrase "Web 2.0" hints at an improved form of the World Wide Web. Technologies such as weblogs (blogs), social bookmarking, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds (and other forms of many-to-many publishing), social software, web application programming interfaces (APIs), and online web services such as eBay and Gmail provide enhancements over read-only websites. Stephen Fry (actor, author, and broadcaster) describes Web 2.0 as (
is it web 2.0 means a lot of us? within web 2.0 technologies developing, the world become more and more smaller, web 2.0 become the word of "glocalization that making global information available to local social contexts and giving people the flexibility to find, organize, share and create information in a locally meaningful fashion that is globally accessible.
the web 2.0 become us, become social! it is talk about people's every day's life, we use this technologyises to connect this the wrold!

the links:what is web 2.0
the blog:

Friday, 16 November 2007

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

we using internet, or internet using us. Are we become a blog? is the world become into the computer? About Web 2.0

Thursday, 1 November 2007

BBC News 24 -- News Watch

The BBC News 24 promotion show what people want from the news!

we the media? Part 1

what is news? i thing every thing is interesting is news, and it tall people what happening at the first time. In Mitchell Stephens book 'A History of news' definite news is:“New information about a subject of some public interest that is shared with some portion of the public” (Stephens pg4) The most important of news is how fast the message can be sent to the audience--News is a time-dependent phenomenon and there are great rewards for being able to deliver a news story first. The medium of news can be newspaper, TV, radio or Internet. Ant the Internet become the most fast medium to deliver the news, for example, more and more people search the day news from BBC websites or Google, they can get the most fast news form there; also the news agencies updated their information at the first time on their own website such as the UK;s environment which has a website that update every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day.( lecture 5)