The internet become more and more improtant to connect with the the globalisation of the world economy and the emergence of Castells' Network Society. As the Web matured during the late 1990s, the dreams of a digital awakening went unfulfilled. The Net turned out to be more about commerce than consciousness, more a mall than a commune.People and companies are doing businese in the present age. The last ten years have seen the rise of corporate websites, e-commerce, e-tailing, pop-up adverts, the rise of google adsense and many, many other online commercial practices; for expamle, most change in people's life is the rise of online shopping, more and more people prefer shop online that go shopping from the stores. as the news shows, within the christmas coming, more that 50% people in US buy their gifts from internet. the online retialers gain a big profit through commercialization of the Network. online shopping offer lots of benifit that people wonn't find shopping form a store or by mail; internet always opent- 24 hours a day. with a click the mouse, people can buy air ticket, book a hotel, sent flower or gift for frient, or puechers the faviort fashions, which people enjoy the advantage that the netwrok commercialization phonmemnon.

The importance of Intellectual Property Law to the new knowledge economy
the news video about interllectual property of MP3 music.
anoter BBc news
IPRs play an important part in classical economists' vision of the knowledge-based economy. They see the legal right to protect an original invention or the recognition of an author's copyright.The intellectual property rights was built to the cost of goods in the form of a royalty payment. Downloading from the net and the sheer global scale of the economy has made effective enforcement problematic, such aas mp3 music,movies or video.
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