last week, the lecture told about the new art practices using digital and computer technology such as robotic art, telepresence, generative art etc.
first, what is Generative Art? Generative art has been defined by noting that:“Generative art refers to art that has been generated, composed, or constructed in an algorithmic manner through the use of systems defined by computer software algorithms, or similar mathematical or mechanical or randomised autonomous processes”The Generative art coveres by visual, audio, animation, textual, performance pieces etc. for example, the video shows the Generative Practice in Visual Art, which is a short movie of fractal that "A fractal zoom on a mandelbrot set, finishing on a dendrite area". And, These techniques are now available and are used by animators and website designers, which has been called computer art!
Another new art practicy is Robotic Art, which defined :"One of the most problematic issues of robotics in art is the very definition of what a robot is" (Kac 2001 pg. 76)Robotic installation art unifies Installation art and robotic technologies insofar as the works and installations often employ computers, sensors, actuators and programming which allow them to respond or evolve in relation to viewer interactions. Such as the picture shows: Robotic art.
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